Hi Massimo,
I tested the steps but without any success, sorry.
1. I prepared a new sd card again, used it inside a RPi2.
2. Minimal configuration via web interface to get internet access...
3. Then "
raspi-config" (expanding the root file system), and after a reboot "
./qlcplus-upgrade.sh 20151213"
4. "
apt-get update" and "
apt-get upgrade"
Then I took the sd card out of the RPi2 and inserted it into the RPi3. Always the same behaviour, no boot screen at all...

Out of curiosity I copied all the files from the latest Raspian (Jessie) - the content of the boot sector - over that of the QLC+ image...
and then it started as usual into the QLC+ application, after displaying the whole boot process.
But neither the onboard WLAN nor an USB WLAN dongle was visible ("
ifconfig")... Maybe some other functionality is missing too...
It was interesting indeed to see that the RPi3 was running as far as I could see.