no DMX signal / QLC+ shuts down when changing view mode simple desk

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Joined: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:57 am
Location: Belgie
Real Name: Erik D

Hi all,
I've been using QLC+ during almost two years now, it never really let me down untill yesterday.
I was preparing for a job during the next weekend and when I tried to run a test I noticed no DMX signal being sent to the fixtures.

QLC+ 'sees' my Entec open DMX USB and tells me it's working ok and the 'fixture monitor' shows dmx values but the fixtures don't receive them,
I restarted the puter , replaced all cables , but to no avail.
Also QLC+ 'freezes' and shuts down when I change view mode when using the 'simple desk'.

I use QLC+ 4.8.5 (the same problem when I try a previous version), an Entec OpenDMX USB interface and a Macbook Pro (OSX 10.8.5)

All this never happened before, last job with QLC+ was three weeks ago and all worked just perfect then.
I would very much appreciate to learn if there are others that encountered these same issues and in which 'direction' I should procede to solve this .
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Have you tried QLC+ 4.9.0 ?
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Real Name: Erik D

No, because I read that in 4.9.0 my entec opendmx usb interface isn't recognised .
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Real Name: Erik D

No one has any idea ?

Yesterday I tried on a friends windows laptop and all worked perfectly, so I presume it has to be an QLC+/MAC OSX problem.
So I tried the 'FTDIdriver-utilities' mentioned in several other posts , but again to no avail.
It doesn't work!
It's rather sad because with these problems QLC+ became unusable for me ... :-(
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Erik.D wrote:No, because I read that in 4.9.0 my entec opendmx usb interface isn't recognised .
And who said that ?

This is QLC+ 4.9.0 on OSX 10.10.3. Enttec Open clone is detected and working perfectly.
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Real Name: Erik D

Massimo , I stand corrected !

This is surely the last time I listen to friends my mother warned me about ;-) without checking for myself...

4.9.0 succeeds in giving me a DMX output !

Though it still crashes every now and than when switching views in simpel desk.

I'm glad I can keep on using your great software but rest somewhat puzzled on how the previous version started acting up.

Anyway, thanks for the reponse and keep up the good work.
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Does it crash without your enttec open dongle connected ?

Does it crash with a specific workspace of yours loaded ? If so could your share it here with the additional fixtures you have created for it ?

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We also experienced some unstable behavior with QLC+ in Simple Desk (we were using the ENTTEC OpenUSB at the time). Two things we did that greatly improved stability:
1) Quit using Simple Desk (just create a few faders/buttons in the Virtual Desk - it's quick, easy and more flexible)
2) Switched to an ENTTEC USBDMX Pro Mk2 - Soooooo much nicer (and it actually has an LED on it to let you know when the DMX bus is active).

(This was on Windows 8)
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I think i have a similar issue.

Using Win 8, and an Enttech DMX USB PRO.

I can use the simple desk to bring up fixtures which is great.

Just nothing from the virtual Console is generating a DMX output. When i bring up the Fixture Monitor it is also not responding to anything. Really wierd it was when i was playing with it without the DMX dongle yesterday.

I created a new workspace to see if it was localised, put in one fixture, and it started working. I rechecked the fixtures to check that the sliders and programs were all associated properly which they were, so it seems as if for some reason there is now a disassociation between the Virtual Console and the DMX output.

Quickly checked all the moving lights X,Y axis gobos etc work its just not intensity and any of the colour levels RGB.

Tried it on a windows 7 computer same issue.

Grateful for any ideas or suggestions.

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