Problems with Artnet Box Ulrich Radig

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i have Problems with my ArtnetBox from Ulrich Radig in Combination with QLC+.

If i start QLC+ and do the Setting für Artnet Out the Light does strange thinks. If i Fade a fader all light connected do something (Falshing, chaning color etc). My Moving Head (LightmaxX Mini Exeo LED 25w) loose DMX Connection and blinks.

All other Light Programs work without problems. Does someone have an Idea?


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Try pulling up channel 512 in Simple desk (i.e. if the artnet is sending only used channels, this forces it to send full DMX packet). Does it help?
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Yes this works. I have to do this every Time now? E.G for Automatic Light Shows with Sound?

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Real Name: Tim Cullingworth


I came across this when building some Pi controlled, artnet led panels. The Pi controls three universes of LED pixels but gets confused if say initially only the third universe is used.

I have noticed that this has been a solution to a number of problems people have, is there some mileage in having an option on the output page to force full universe transmission.
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This is starting to annoy me.
At some point I made a change to send only the necessary DMX channels to the adapters/network.

Turned out it was a bad idea for the USB devices, so I reverted the change in the DMX USB plugin.
Now you're saying ArtNet doesn't behave properly as well, but in the ArtNet specifications it's not written anywhere that a Controller should transmit the whole universe every time. The transmission of partial universes is allowed.
It is in charge of the adapters/converters/fixtures to eventually add the bytes they are missing.
If most of the ArtNet devices out there have bad firmwares, it is not my fault.

I can easily revert the "partial universe" change on ArtNet too, but then someone will come up and say: "I have 10 ArtNet universes and on each of them I use only 20 channels...why do you send the whole 10 universes on the network ?? It is just a waste of bandwidth."
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Sorry, not wanting to annoy anyone.

In fact the problem I had was that QLC+ doesn't send an universe's data until at least one channel has been changed.

I can see the sense of limiting the used bandwidth, but it seems to cause some problems at times. I understand that this is from badly implemented code / devices, but would an option box be a valid idea.

I am not saying that you have to implement it, or that it is an urgent demand, just an idea ;-)
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Hey Tim, don't worry, I'm not annoyed by you or Morphinus21 :)
I just thought partial DMX data was a good idea but given the fact that other fixtures/softwares do not support it, I need to consider it, either reverting my change or adding an option like your suggested (and I'm afraid the default will be: transmit the whole universe)
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Contact: is a proof of concept for setting either full (512 bytes) or minimal (current state) packets. I was thinking about third mode "patched" - where the plugin would output as many channels as currently patched.
It's seems like a good compromise, though it takes more code to pass the number to plugin.
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