hardware input devices (es. BFC2000)
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:28 am
Hi and tanks for the great work... I'm waiting for the chance to try the new improvements in a real situation... looking it out of work semes that works great!
I want ask if is possible to add a new feature on the hardware input device like my BFC2000 to add and improve more usefull functions...
My idea is to can configure in virtual console a special frame(s) to have on the input device more pages of sliders... a sort of LAYER selection of sliders configuration (would be fantastic with motorized faders) where changing the pages you can have under controll teens and teens of chanel intensity, groups or fixture device values, maybe using other controllers on the input device or some key in the keyboard to change page(layer)...
a good preference pannel for this kind of frame in virtual console, could have the possibility to set the key that call the frame on input device and/or the possibility to add it in a list that can be slide using 2 configured to switch from a page to the forward or the previous...
It's could be a great expansion of power and control for the hardware input devices!
I want ask if is possible to add a new feature on the hardware input device like my BFC2000 to add and improve more usefull functions...
My idea is to can configure in virtual console a special frame(s) to have on the input device more pages of sliders... a sort of LAYER selection of sliders configuration (would be fantastic with motorized faders) where changing the pages you can have under controll teens and teens of chanel intensity, groups or fixture device values, maybe using other controllers on the input device or some key in the keyboard to change page(layer)...
a good preference pannel for this kind of frame in virtual console, could have the possibility to set the key that call the frame on input device and/or the possibility to add it in a list that can be slide using 2 configured to switch from a page to the forward or the previous...
It's could be a great expansion of power and control for the hardware input devices!