Bring back the ability to map output to different ArtNet universes
I just upgrade from 4.6.1 to 4.8.1 and I noticed that a feature I used a lot is missing. I see that you removed the feature to pick a specific ArtNet universe for output, that it always matches the universe in QLC. I don't like this. I have 4 separate shows that each use one universe of DMX. I've authored them all to be universe 1 in QLC because they are four separate show files that don't know about each other. However they are currently all installed in a single facility all on the same network, so I had to set the DMXKing eDMX boxes we're using to four different universes. When we were testing a previous show, it was universe 1 in our practice space and then when we moved it to the real space it was universe 3 and I was able to test it there easily by just setting QLC universe 1 to output on ArtNet universe 3 in the Input/Output tab. However, now we're doing this again for the show that is on universe 2 and that option is no longer available. I would really like that feature back as that was a much better way to do this than having to recreate my entire fixture list and remap it to universe 2 in QLC.