Issue: losing scene settings when opening a workspace from file

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My first time using QLC+, so maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it seems straightforward enough.
I have a large number (312) of single channel dimmable fixtures. I've created a lot of channel groups. So far, so good. I've also created a large number of scenes, to make chases from. In each scene I set channel groups to some value between 0 and 255.
The problem is, if I save the workspace, close QLC+, reopen, and open the workspace, when I go back to the scenes, each channel group is set to 0 in every scene, regardless of where I left it last.
Am I doing something wrong? Or perhaps the size of the scenes I'm creating, or some other limitation is preventing the scenes from serializing to file and back correctly?
Thanks for any help you can provide,
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Joined: Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:05 pm
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I an new to this program as well, but I am having exactly the same issue (QLC 4.9.1. mac version). I am using far less scenes, though (15 only). The problem seems idiosyncratic in nature, some scenes are affected, others aren't. Moreover, once sequence information is lost, it's also doesn't work to re-enter the information, and save. It appears looked in the "null" state. even deleting a scene and then redefining a new one under the same name was not successful.
Thanks for your help.

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