I was wondering if anyone had some ideas how I might be able to set the Virtual Console of QLC+ up correctly to work with an 8-channel relay pack.
I have a device that is 8 DMX Channels, each channel controls a relay. 0 is "OFF", 1 & greater is "ON" control. There is no dimming functionality, purely relays with on/off capability only.
I have setup 8 scenes, each scene is for individual control of the channel. Essentially 8 on-off buttons in a button matrix.
I am trying to setup a Blackout button for that button matrix / fixture only. However, since "0" is off, I can not create a scene to override the button matrix. If I create a "Blackout" button, it shuts every fixture off (not what I want.)
Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on how I could accomplish this task? I did some searches on the forum, but haven't found anything yet.
Relays with Button Matrix Control
create fixture definition, assign channels to either shutter or effect group and add two capabilities (0 off, 1-255 on). That way, the channels will obey LTP rule, and you can do the blackout.
To speed things up, create one channel with capabilities first, and then copy it to create the remaining channels.
create fixture definition, assign channels to either shutter or effect group and add two capabilities (0 off, 1-255 on). That way, the channels will obey LTP rule, and you can do the blackout.
To speed things up, create one channel with capabilities first, and then copy it to create the remaining channels.
Hey Jano,
Thanks! That did fix the "All Off" issues.
However, now the individual channel buttons will only trigger a channel on, not off. Essentially, the 8-button matrix is now only able to activate a scene, not enable/disable it like a toggle.
I guess to toggle each of the 8 channels individually I'll have to create an off scene and have a total of 16 buttons? Or is there something I'm not doing right to allow the button to be a toggle on-off for the scene?
Thanks! That did fix the "All Off" issues.
However, now the individual channel buttons will only trigger a channel on, not off. Essentially, the 8-button matrix is now only able to activate a scene, not enable/disable it like a toggle.
I guess to toggle each of the 8 channels individually I'll have to create an off scene and have a total of 16 buttons? Or is there something I'm not doing right to allow the button to be a toggle on-off for the scene?
Well, this is the old problem of LTP channels, that I forgot about... No, solo frame won't work - new function has to be called. There are man ways how to work around it, none of them is convenient...
I tried some hacks to fix the LTP problem, but it seems it is a deep one that will require quite significant change...
Thanks for the update Jano! It's nice to know I wasn't going crazy - or about this all wrong.
Again, Thanks for looking into this!
Again, Thanks for looking into this!