Simpledesk Playbacks do not create dmx outputs

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sebastian hartl


i am a great fan of qlc+ and would like to thank the developers for their effort.

i have a problem with the playbacks and cuestacks in the simpledesk mode. i can record a cuestack and it creates a dmx output, viewable on the monitor, when i flash the playback or in editing mode. but it does not seem to respond to sliding the playback fader. is there a solution that i have not yet come across? any help would be much apprechiated.

thanks in advance
sebastian hartl

i forgot to mention that this problem occurs on v4.7. on v4.6.1 it works perfectly, as i discovered right now.

thanks again for this great program!
Massimo Callegari

Hello Sebastian, QLC+ 4.7.0 had a major rework on universes data flow so it's possible the Cue stack functionality has been left behind.

Would you mind to share a simple project showing the issue and writing what the expected behaviour should be ?
Or instruct me how to reproduce the problem. I am no expert of that part of the software, so basically you have to teach me :)

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