Idea - Export function
I use 2 laptops with QLC+. One, to craete and modify projects, second to run it in live dmx show. If I createa or add a function, to transer it to other computer I have to save qxw file and copy it to second machine. That requires to keep the project on both laptops synchronized all the time. I would be nice, if there would be an option to export a function in some kind of file (maybe as a script) and have possibility to import it to other project.
Hi to you. What you're looking for is how to share a file between 2 computers over a network. Not a new QLC+ functionality.
Since you haven't told us which operating system you're using, probably a Windows file sharing or a Samba HOWTO can help you.
Since you haven't told us which operating system you're using, probably a Windows file sharing or a Samba HOWTO can help you.
Why don't you just use Dropbox? I do exactly what you're talking about with two separate setups and it works flawlessly.
Hi. Well not exactly. What I am talking about is working in a "sandbox" environment,where I can test various functions and a clean environment where I want to import only particular function, not a whole setup. This is not the same as file sharing, what is a logical way when you want to use same file on two machines. BTW, I work with Windows7.
I think what Krzysztof is trying to say is that he'd like to be able to export a function (as a script) and import it onto QLC+ on the other laptop (so it shows straight away without having to load the fixture).
Sorry if I've misunderstood you.
Sorry if I've misunderstood you.
I'd like to reopen this topic about the possibility of Exporting a set of functions from one Show file and Importing to a different Show file. Any possibility?
TAvon. THIS sounds neat. you have a show with say 300 fixtures and 150 functions. and you have another show with some of the same fixtures and you want the corresponding functions in a new show file.