Can i add a chaser or a collection to a show?

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Hello again Massimo and the lighting directors around the world,

I think my first ever lighting gig is too big for a first timer.... in both lighting terms and in using QLCplus.... however... I'm committed now! eeeak!

Please can you help me with this problem?

I have set myself a few 'scenes', a 'chaser' and a 'collection' which gives me the look I like for the first scene in my project. the final visual result is made using a 'collection' of the following items...

'collection' name = scene1opener
inside the collection are 'chaser backwash' and 'chaser sides'
the chasers are made up of a number of different scenes on a loop.

I would like this 'collection' to run until scene 2 (which is yet to be programmed)

because this show has an 18 minute sound track i thought a 'show' would be a great way forward. however....

When I open the 'shows' tab and start to add to the show timeline I am only able to add an individual 'scene' to the timeline. I can also add a sequence. I appear to be unable to add a 'collection' or a 'chaser' to the timeline.

{I notice a 'sequence' is like a 'chaser' but doesn't have the ability to load a pre-made 'scene' to it... nor does it loop or crossfade etc }

is there a way to add a 'chaser' or a 'collection' to a 'show' please?

Many thanks Again.

I've attached my project so you can maybe understand a bit better.


Hi massimo, and all.
I have discovered something I respectfully request be added, if possible, to an upcoming version.

I discovred that the limitation in not being able to add chasers and collection could be overcome by fully changing the way the 'show' tab works.

Instead of adding 'scenes' to a timeline then midi triggers (or OSC signals) could be added at certain places along the timeline.

The midi triggers would then trigger a preset function in the virtual console desk. The virtual buttons can already recieve midi/osc.... so it's partway there I think?

The workflow would be....
1) create a scene function/s
2) Creàte a chaser loop
3) create other light scenes
4) put all the above in a Collection.
5) create a button in virtual console (set to on/off)
6) add a trigger function to that button.
7) open a new show
8) add your music/backing track/click track
9) add Trigger points on the show timeline which relate directly to the button on the virtual console. The first trigger starts the looped chaser, the second trigger stops it.

I have done something similar to this using ardour3 instead of the 'show' tab. The only slight issue I had was programming the midi signal to the button. I am unable to choose a signal in the button properties on the virtual console and need to 'auto learn' the correct signal. Oh.. and patching everything together is a drag too of course.

I sincerely wish I knew how to code this to be able to contribute in more helpful manner, however, I can't... sorry.

I look forward to your thoughts.
Many thanks
Richard 'rick' Brock
Massimo Callegari

Hi Rick,
the very simple answer to your question is no, you can't add chasers or collections to a show.
The more complete answer is the following: the Show manager is meant to be used in another way than functions created in the Function manager.
Basically the goal is to create a show, which is a compound function including scenes (tracks), audio and sequences (chasers using always the same scene as steps)

In your case I would suggest to use a very poor man trick. I explain. You have a 18 minutes audio and you want to start some functions at precise moments in time.
What I would do is to:
- create every Scene that will be played during those 18 minutes and one "empty" (dummy) Scene
- create a Chaser and place all your Scenes as steps, placing the "empty" scene when nothing has to happen. (like a wait) When you're done, your chaser will be more or less 18 minutes long.
- create a Collection and place your audio and your chaser into it
- create a Virtual Console button and associate your collection to it
- activate the button in operate mode and your audio and scene should be in sync like your programmed them

As I said, this is probably just one way to to it. There might be many others, even using the Show Manager.
Please let me know if this somehow help your workflow.

thanks Massimo,
I can understand that and will give it a go.

is it safe to put existing chasers in a chaser? and collections into a chaser?

Massimo Callegari

Well, it is allowed, so it should work.
If it doesn't, don't hesitate to report it here (in a new thread possibly)


Once I had created all my 'sub scenes' (I had different settings to each set of lights because I had the same background chasers in scenes with differing for grounds) I then created 'collections' (47 of them)

Then I put my newly formed 'collections' in a chaser....

Then I put my audio and the chaser into one new collection....created a button for it..... went into 'live mode' and BOOM!

Next up.... alter the timings which I got slightly wrong!

New question... can a future release have an absolute trigger time within a sequence?
I mean,for example, if I have 23 functions in a chaser can I set the third function to run at exactly 4min 23.5 seconds? Rather than having to add up all the previous function holds?

It's just that with so many items in a chaser, if they are all timed at just O.1second wrong then that makes quite a big error at the end. ( I'm begin fussy now)

Many thanks. Once I get paid for this gig another donation will occur.


Any chance of posting the show files so we can see what you are doing.

Yes. Certainly.
First, however, I'm going to tidy it up a lot. There have been far to many channels groups created and my work flow / naming clture wasn't consistent. It's a chllnge for somebody to decipher at the moment.
Also, expect a YouTube video too.

Superb, looking forward to seeing what you have been up to :-)

WOW! it has taken me forever to make this happen.... I have no excuse.
(i do actually, and it's a good one... but it involves way to much private information to be published! :-)

OK, here is the show. It went great, except that i got a short glitch at the start of the show and everything was a fraction of a second out... but the second show went very well.

There is no video, the guy filming it has dropped off the face of the earth.
Also, there might be a problem that it took me 10 hours to program (after the customer changed the music twice!) and I charged them £15/hr - so they wont give me a copy of the video.

anyway, here is the joy!

music can be found here..... ... ession.mp3 (convert it back to 44.1 WAV)

lighting fixtures can be found here.... ... r-Pars.qxf
here ... r-Spot.qxf
and here ... r-wash.qxf
(please note i have not submitted these as official lighting rigs for Maximo to publish because they are just made up by me to suit our strange lights.

Once you load up the project you will see why i wanted to add collections to the show. perhaps i did this in a very complex way, but it worked great.

the pannels on the left are there only in case it all went wrong and i had to start changing things manually on the night.

The pannel on the right is there to watch the scene changes as they happen. You can load up the music and watch the scenes change on that if you like.

not bad for a first attempt i feel.

please let me have your feedback
(3.87 KiB) Downloaded 142 times
Jano Svitok

Hi Rick,

I've downloaded your file, and placed the fixtures in a 2D monitor so I can see how the show goes. It's looking good, I almost can see the stage :) I don't have time to see it all, I'll do it later.

Nevertheless, I tweaked a bit your definitions (mostly filled in proper colors) and added 2D monitor view (I'm not sure if I properly guessed the positions, but it's doesn't matter if it's not perfect).

Here they are:
(775 Bytes) Downloaded 119 times
(2.5 KiB) Downloaded 81 times
(3.72 KiB) Downloaded 126 times
(109.36 KiB) Downloaded 164 times

Thanks Jano,
i like the 2D monitor view, i onlt discovered that last night whatching a PeeJayCee tutorial.
I did notice that his 2d view changed colours to match the dmx values... or did i dream that?
I only ever see white on or off.

Thanks again.
Jano Svitok

Try to use my fixed definitions - you have to set proper Primary Color for RGBW channels, then QLC+ knows what color to display (minus W - I'm afraid QLC+ can't properly determine RGBW colors, only RGB). Don't forget to copy the definitions to proper place :)

I also placed the fixtures in the 2D monitor view - I'd suggest you check how it works, and then forget my changed qxw file and to something similar in your original file - I might change something else, and you don't want my changes...

Thanks Jano,
I've updated my definitions to yours and I can see all the colours.
i can imagine it all happening again when i watch and listen.

There was a video.... if i ever get hold of it i will upload.

God bless.

here is something to look at!

At last... :-)
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