This is example #2 of functions changing. I put together 4 simple functions that light 1 of 4 fixtures and turning off the other 3. I attached a speed dial (ON) to the 4 functions on the duration of the function. I also created a function that turns off all 4. I attached a second speed dial (OFF) to this single function. I have several chasers which run thru the function in different configuration to create chases with the fixtures. Turning the ON dial I got the light on time to increase, turning the OFF dial increased the black out between steps. Worked PERFECTLY! I saved and quit QLC+ to go eat dinner. I came back and started working on another set of fixtures. None of the speed dials worked. I verified that I had the new set setup exactly the same as the first. So I tried the first set and now it no longer worked. Has anyone else seen this issue? I am really frustrated by this. I have reloaded the file. I have restarted QLC+ and reloaded the file. I have restarted the iMac, restarted QLC+ and reloaded the file, ALL to no avail! What was working perfectly no longer works. Any ideas on what may have happened?
Joe B
iMac Dual Core 2 3.06gHz - OSX 10.7.5
DMXIS USB to DMX interface
QLC+ v4.5.1
Why do speed dials no longer work?
I tried to reproduce your problem, and I was not able to set the duration of individual steps in a chasers. I didn't read the source yet to see how is this implemented.
BTW. the workspace file is pretty straightforward XML file (just fixture channels are numbered from 0) so you can probably check if the speed dial is properly associated with your functions/scenes.
BTW. the workspace file is pretty straightforward XML file (just fixture channels are numbered from 0) so you can probably check if the speed dial is properly associated with your functions/scenes.