[20140326] OSX TEST version - Qt4 based

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Massimo Callegari

This OSX snapshot is mostly here to test the HID plugin with the FX5 adapter.

It obviously includes also all the changes made after 4.7.0 RC1.

Download here: http://www.qlcplus.org/4.7.0/QLC+_4.7.0 ... 140326.dmg

Thanks Massimo. Really appreciate these snapshot builds.
Stefan Flocker

Hi Massimo,

just tested it with FX5 interface - is working!
**Well done, Massimo!**

But there is another issue, which I found in Windows and Mac versions:

* Create a new scene, e.g. with one generic RGB fixture.
* Do settings in this scene (e.g. set up Dimmer & RGB values).
* => Fixture shows the result.
* Copy (duplicate) this scene.
* => All scenes fail to work (click on scene - fixture stays dark, the 'monitor' display shows '000' values for all outputs). You need to store the workspace, quit and restart QLC+. Then the scenes react again. Seems as if the 'copy' does something wrong.

Sascha Büttner

To push this issue again, I too have problems with the COPY function while creating scenes.

I'm on OS X 10.9.3 and QLC+ 4.7.2.

While creating scenes for my 8 Head LED Bar to set some chasers I heavily use the copy feature. Doing this leads to random crashes of the app. I started saving the workspace before every copy process to ensure not loosing steps.

Any known workaround or a known bug in revision?

(Massimo: I don't want to complain all the time. In fact, I really love your software and appreciate your amazing work. I just think, you can not fix such problems if none reports them. And reporting is, what I can do to help. ;-) )
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