I'm trying to implement an effect with QLC4 but I'm stuck to get what I would like.
How to run in parallel the same delayed animation on the same fixture?
I have a LED bar with 7 spots managed by macro colors (OFF=0, RED=20, GREEN=50, BLUE=80).
I would like to simulate a vertical jump with 2 colors that react on events like beats (for my use, it will follow the kick/snare of the drummer)
For the simulation, I try to use a button where I tap each time there is a beat.
Here is a scheme of the goal:
The first line is an animation that is launched when I tap the button (in the virtual console).
The second line illustrate when I tap another one time when the first animation is running (Step1=one tap, Step2=second tap before the first animation is done).
The idea is that the first animation is displayed and then the second that override (like if animations are stored in a FIFO list)
My attempts only resolve the first case (create a scene for each step that set only the wanted channel and put them in a chase in single-shot mode).
Using a sequence wasn't lead to something because we need to override all channels on all steps (from what I saw).
Is it possible?