VC widgets

Report an issue that you found while using QLC+ 5.x.
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Posts: 121
Joined: Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:13 pm
Real Name: David

There seems to be a lot missing compared to 4xx (Windows 10):

Keystrokes for copying, pasting, etc. (control-c, Control-v, etc.

In 4xx, you can enter a numerical value to resize widgets such as buttons, sliders, etc. Not in 5.0 b2.

I was hoping a button set to flash function would also trigger chases. Still works only with scenes. I don't know why this is.

Is any of this going to be addressed in future releases?

I've seen quite a few posts about no speed dial or x/y pad. I assume they will be back in future releases?
Posts: 421
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Hey David,

Thanks for providing feedback about QLC+ 5, It's great to see!

When you start QLC+ note in the warning window it gives you the progress report in google sheets. I'll link it here too: ... Ojg4J_MWg/

Note the speed dial is currently missing. This means yes it will be in a future release.

Kind regards,
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