I'd like to add some things to the wiki, however there doesn't seem to be a way to edit the wiki or submit a PR for it.
In https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/w ... -build-Qt5:
Homebrew Dependencies
The dependencies may be installed with Homebrew:
Code: Select all
brew install libftdi libusb libusb-compat ola qt@5
If I try to run qlc-plus without installing, I get a strange runtime error like "Undefined symbol _ZN9WebAccessC1EP3DocP14VirtualConsoleP10SimpleDeskib7QStringP7QObject". This seems to be because qlc-plus is loading the shared libraries installed on the system, and not the ones that I built. If I run `make install` this solves the problem, but I shouldn't have to do this for every build. How can I run qlc-plus and have it default to search for the newly-built shared libraries? e.g. which value of LIBRARY_PATH am I looking for? The built shared libraries seem to be scattered all over the place.
I have this problem on macOS 12.0.1 and Ubuntu 21.10, can you please explain this on the wiki pages?