I need a fader to overwrite specific levels in a scene

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Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:24 pm
Real Name: Marc Tißler

Hej Folks!

I ran into a problem which I am unable to solve on my own.
I have been a quite reader but now I need to ask, since I cant find a suitanle answer.

Is there a way in VC to launch a scene and afterwards use a fader to chance the levels of a channel?

I want to create a strobe scene where everything goes berserk but at the same time it would be nice to controll the shutter/strobe speed indpendently with a fader. Either during the scene or even better beforhand and the scene can not override the fader.

I've read a lot about loopbacks and "override" functions, but i cant find the latter and are not quite comftable to use loopbacks.

Any help is appreciated :) Maybe a resource?

Thanks in advance,
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Can you post an example project?. You can create an scene without the shutter/strobe channel and control this channel directly with a slider.
Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:24 pm
Real Name: Marc Tißler


i guess i could set up a demo project tomorrow, my actual workspace has now 26 fixtures and hundreds of functions :P

but i WANT these sliders in the scene active and still be able to use a slider or button in VC to override this value.

my current workaround is pretty nestet set of solo frames.
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