Using Physical Faders?

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Joined: Wed May 01, 2019 6:03 pm
Real Name: Robin

Reading Physical Faders?

Is it possible, is there a guide?


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Now really ... how can we have the slightest clue what you want without information?
If they are part of a midi console: yes you can read them if you can connect it to USB or you have a midi to USB converter.
If they are part of a DMX desk / console: yes you can read them thru a DMX input
If they are part of a music controller (DAW) possibly
If the faders are just faders ... have a long look at them ... can you see them moving? Then you can 'read' them ;-)
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Joined: Wed May 01, 2019 6:03 pm
Real Name: Robin

Sorry never saw the reply and I realise the original question was a bit vauge but that was because it was vauge in my head at the time.

I wanted to take input from a physical source and control virtual faders...

In the intervening time since that original question I have worked out quite a lot..

Using and AS6408 analogue to digital converter I was able to get an Arduio to scan 64 Analogue channels easily.

We took an old Strand Level12 Analogue desk and hooked up the 2x12 Faders to the ADC.

So the Arduino read the fader values and then out putted a serial signal that was picked up by "Hairless Midi" as Midi Controller Value Changes.

I found the MIDI input section on QLC, and was able to map the faders.

And eventually get them working in the virtual console.


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