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Re: HTP/LTP general questions
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:34 am
by mcallegari
pengumaniac wrote:No german needed, open eyes and think!
THEN U CAN solve all riddles --- ALONE and FREE!
Congratulations Manfred. You have been moved to the moderation queue.
This is for not listening to anything we tried to tell you -nicely-
This is QLC+ forum, not your "my little pony diary".
Let's hope this filter will refrain you from writing everything thar runs in your head.
Re: HTP/LTP general questions
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:16 pm
by Highpersonix
So tell me, wise wizards, how would you solve this:
If i flash something LTP, why doesn't the value drop to zero, but is stuck at the value i flashed it on? And before that, why doesn't the DMX value return to zero when i unfocus the scene in the function editor? What did i break this time?
Re: HTP/LTP general questions
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:16 pm
by Flo
Highpersonix wrote:If i flash something LTP, why doesn't the value drop to zero, but is stuck at the value i flashed it on? And before that, why doesn't the DMX value return to zero when i unfocus the scene in the function editor? What did i break this time?
You don't understand the concept: It's the basic principle of LTP ("Last Takes Precedence") that a value keeps being unchanged until you set a new value. This feature is widely used in nearly every better console because it gives you a lot of possibilities that can't be done with HTP ("Higher Takes Precedence").
By the way: Is there already a solution to exclude HTP channels from the masters? I would really appreciate that.
Re: HTP/LTP general questions
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:17 am
by plugz
LTP channel = the channel is affected by the last "thing" that touched it.
If nothing comes after this last "thing", the channel will keep this last received value.
Re: HTP/LTP general questions
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:36 am
by Flo
And a totally other question: As I just saw it if I quote another one's post my one seems to get the same timestamp and not the real date. What am I doing wrong here? Or is it a bug of the board software?
Re: HTP/LTP general questions
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:24 am
by plugz
Flo wrote:
And a totally other question: As I just saw it if I quote another one's post my one seems to get the same timestamp and not the real date. What am I doing wrong here? Or is it a bug of the board software?
I don't think it's a bug, rather a conception different from what you'd expect
To quote someone and still have a "logical" :
- Click on "reply"
- When editing your post, on the bottom of the page, you can see the previous posts. Select text in a previous post, and click on the double quote icon top-right of the post
- The part of text you selected will appear in your edit box
Flo wrote:
By the way: Is there already a solution to exclude HTP channels from the masters? I would really appreciate that.
Unfortunately, not currently. But IMHO, the "can fade" option should disable the effects of the masters too. I don't know what others think.
Re: HTP/LTP general questions
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:08 pm
by Highpersonix
If nothing comes after this last "thing", the channel will keep this last received value.
plugz wrote:LTP channel = the channel is affected by the last "thing" that touched it.
I'm having difficulties here describing what the problem is, and tried it with a different fixture. That one is behaving ok.
So, a basic thing. As long as i don't do anything, should QLC+ keep sending a looong row of zeroes for all 512 channels? That may sound ELI5 right now, but with that other fixture it behaves as if either nothing new is being sent at all after i unclick any function - or that it keeps sending the last value i assigned it with a function (assuming that chanel is LTP in the fixture)
apart from that, i am merrily getting used to everything that works for me - and it works great. Thanks for QLC+, everyone.
Re: HTP/LTP general questions
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:28 pm
by Flo
plugz wrote:I don't think it's a bug, rather a conception different from what you'd expect
Thanks for your help! I'll try it your way now…
plugz wrote:Unfortunately, not currently. But IMHO, the "can fade" option should disable the effects of the masters too.
Yes, it does - but then color fade chases become impossible, too. So it's no solution for the problem.
Highpersonix wrote:So, a basic thing. As long as i don't do anything, should QLC+ keep sending a looong row of zeroes for all 512 channels? That may sound ELI5 right now, but with that other fixture it behaves as if either nothing new is being sent at all after i unclick any function - or that it keeps sending the last value i assigned it with a function (assuming that chanel is LTP in the fixture)
As long as you don't do anything QLC+ should always send the last values for all LTP channels. (If you just started QLC+ without further interacting they probably all are 0.) To get a bit more into detail: It doesn't have to be all 512 channels all the time - DMX messages can be much shorter. (Have a look at if you are interested.)
Re: HTP/LTP general questions
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:56 pm
by Deece
Does that mean when a widgit slider, in Level mode, is used, it constantly sends the value? ie at 0 always sends a 0, at 125 always sends 125?
That might explain why a slider in Level mode takes full control of an LTP chan.
Thanks, explains a lot.
sry for jumping in.
Re: HTP/LTP general questions
Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:44 pm
by Flo
Deece wrote:Does that mean when a widgit slider, in Level mode, is used, it constantly sends the value? ie at 0 always sends a 0, at 125 always sends 125?
That might explain why a slider in Level mode takes full control of an LTP chan.
As long as you don't change the value with another control: Yes. If you want to see which values are actually sent out use the DMX channel monitor in QLC+. Maybe it helps understanding some "weird reactions" of the fixtures.
And if you want the slider to always reflect the actual value don't forget to set the checkbox in the level mode panel of the slider settings.
Re: HTP/LTP general questions
Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 8:07 pm
by Deece
Thanks Flo, I do use the monitor
fixtures are in a church hall, I do a lot of initial setting up at home. The monitor is essential.
The situation I see, as described more fully in my other thread, when a widgit/slider is in Level mode controlling an Intensity chan set to LTP,
that slider takes exclusive controll of that chan. Nothing else can change it. If it is constantly sending a value, that would explain that behavior.
Re: HTP/LTP general questions
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:18 pm
by pengumaniac
Massimo, really serious maybe LTPforced outputs with reduced Submaster "SM"
But I'm still not very interestet in that channel forcing LTP/HTP thing,
As a further improvement to a better Live-Rock-Usecase:
If you can agree with me the above for LTP matters, then think also about the "two optional" Flash possibility for all regular HTP channels (conventional controllers ability to Flash ADD/SOLO):
a) ADD by Default, same as we already have, pure HTP mix
b) SOLO, only the flashed Function rules - and overlays, with reset on ButtonRelease, leading to such an output I tried to explain in the diagram:
After that - to save space and effort - we can try to switch between option a) and b) with a script-Function, then we only need 1 row of Flashbuttons + 1 toggle for the ADD/KILL script (like the marked one on the controllers picture) instead of 2rows...