Asus tinkerboard, alternative SBC to Raspberry PI ?

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2022 10:43 pm
Real Name: Ryan Clowes

Hi everyone, I am trying to get up and running with QLC+ using a Single board computer. I have donated to Massimo and have the image, will it only work on Raspberry Pi boards? I have an Asus Tinkerboard I was hoping to use that as It runs off Debian but it does not bootup. OS does not matter right as you just boot the image from an SD, what is the different is this down to the processor etc and how the software has been written?

Thanks for your help :)
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Hi Ryan, sorry to disappoint you, but a Raspberry Pi is not a Tinker Board even though they both run Debian.
They're totally different chipsets (Broadcom vs Rockchip) so the bootloader and Linux kernel in the first place need to be built in different ways.
You might have luck with the QLC+ debian package but I cannot guarantee anything.
Otherwise, building QLC+ from sources is not that hard on Linux: ... -build-Qt5

Nowadays there are many alternatives in the embedded realm but I opted to support only the Raspberry Pi cause it's still the most used and with a bigger community.
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