QLC+ 5.0.0 Beta 1 - Cuelist issues

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On Ubuntu 20.04 appimage build with Qt5.15.2 I found some issues on Cuelist widget. A cuelist widget with a chaser composed of some light scenes is not outputting DMX. If in the cuelist you activate the side fader to crossfade the cuelist works as expected and DMX values are sended. The same occurs with a cuelist playing a chaser with audio functions there is no audio output since you activate the side fader to crossfade.
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Hi Santiago, thanks for reporting. I'll have a look asap.
Might depend on changes in the engine for QLC+ 4 not ported to v5.
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Hi Massimo, I think you can take a look to this cuelist issue too.
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Hi, the OP issue should be resolved.
I'm gonna take a look at the report on the other thread now.
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hi Santiago and Massimo,

I've tried this afternoon and also for me it works as expected but I've found a severe bug:
if you pause and then stop the cue list, the fixtures involved during the pause remain at those levels and I could't find a way to reset them, only reload the file again would reset them.
Attached the file used for the test.

Massimo, I had an idea to save space for the progress bar:
as for now, the active cue is blue so
what if the fade time is indicated with the blue filling?
progress bar.png
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I really like the aesthetics of qlc+5, it's a pleasure to use it.
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giacomo wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 4:28 pm hi Santiago and Massimo,

I've tried this afternoon and also for me it works as expected but I've found a severe bug:
if you pause and then stop the cue list, the fixtures involved during the pause remain at those levels and I could't find a way to reset them, only reload the file again would reset them.
Attached the file used for the test.

Massimo, I had an idea to save space for the progress bar:
as for now, the active cue is blue so
what if the fade time is indicated with the blue filling?

progress bar.png
Hi Giacomo and Massimo, I tested on Uubntu 20.04 and I can confirm this bug. The channels in the step of cuelist when pauses and you click stop remains at is last values. Playing again the cuelist the channel locked can get the maximum value but when the minimum value is locked to last value. This affects to QLC+ 4.12.5-GIT too.
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Should be fixed upstream now
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I'll try later and post the results.
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Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with Qt5.15.2 QLC+4.12.5-GIT and QLC+-5.0.0 Beta 2. It seems to work as expected. After pausing and stopping the values return to 0. Restarting the cuelist work well too.
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Thanks for testing Santiago :thumbsup:
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[OffTopic], the 3D view crashes if I build appimage with Qt5.15.2, works well If it is build with Qt5.14.2. Video playing works with Qt5.14.2 and Qt5.15.2, setting GST_PLUGIN_PATH

Code: Select all

export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=$GST_PLUGIN_PATH:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0
before run appimage from command line. I'll do more tests this weekend.
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hola Santiago,
would you have a look here too?
I'm curious to know if only me has this issue.
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giacomo wrote: Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:51 am hola Santiago,
would you have a look here too?
I'm curious to know if only me has this issue.
I can move and align the button matrix on the bottom of cuelist widget. Sometimes I get core dumps moving widgets on virtual console. Sometime the widget moved is placed behind other widget or out of the visible screen of virtual console.
I tried palletes.qxw and I cannot reproduce the issues you described.
Tested on Ubuntu 20.04, QLC+ 5.0.0-beta2 and Qt5.14.2.
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muchas gracias,
so it's a "personal" issues ;)
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On Ubuntu 20.04 appimage build with Qt5.15.2 I found some issues on Cuelist widget.

A cuelist widget with a chaser composed of some light scenes is not outputting DMX.

If in the cuelist you activate the side fader to crossfade the cuelist works as expected and DMX values are sended.

The same occurs with a cuelist playing a chaser with audio functions there is no audio output since you activate the side fader to crossfade.
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