Copy and pasting in a scene

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Posts: 142
Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 4:42 am
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Real Name: Kyle Sims

Is there a button that I am not seeing? When creating a scene with different fixtures is there away to copy the fixture feature instead of the channel. Example fixture A the dimmer channel is on channel 1 but fixture B the dimmer channel is channel 5. Can I copy and paste the dimmer channel instead just channel 1 for all?
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Unfortunately there isn't.
That's why the QLC+ 5 approach works by channel type and not by channel number anymore.
Posts: 142
Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 4:42 am
Location: USA
Real Name: Kyle Sims

That would be much better but on top of this in VC needs a color picker because I just did about an hour doing scene colors to make buttons for each color and split color hints the want of copying and pasting for different types of rgb pars with different channels with the rgb
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