RGB Matrix... 2 functions at once

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I am still building my matrix, but I had a question that was presented to me by a colleague. Can the RGB Matrix run 2 functions at the same time? Meaning for example, run Plasma and Text together.
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No, but you can mix 2 RGB Matrices with blend modes.
Read the documentation https://www.qlcplus.org/docs/html_en_EN ... ditor.html
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mcallegari wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:19 am No, but you can mix 2 RGB Matrices with blend modes.
Read the documentation https://www.qlcplus.org/docs/html_en_EN ... ditor.html
So if I understand this correctly.
Create 2 RGB Matrices (pointing at the same DMX channels), one of which will create my background effect (default blend), then another matrix on top with the lettering (mask, additive, subtractive blend). And when ran QLC will do the rest? Creating the effect I am looking for?
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you have to add both effects in a collection and mind the order.
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I finished building my first RGB matrix, and applied what you said. And WOW, it works great. However, we found using subtractive for text (that is white in color) gives the best overall effect for the gradient and plasma backgrounds.

Did notice that we appear to be limited in the amount of characters that can be scrolled across though. Is there a limit?
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