Wiki - External (internal) links in a new window please

This is a place for sharing with the community the results you achieved with QLC+, as a sort of use case collection.
You can share photos, videos, personal hardware/software projects, interesting HOWTO that might help other users to achieve great results.
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Is it possible to alter your wiki-settings so that links to ex-( or internal) links are displayed in a new tab please?
I elaborate: If answering questions and you have to lookup info / sources / examples, using the threads here, it's quite cumbersome to navigate...
Clicking a link opening a new tab in your browser seems more comfortable to me...

Even with inline pictures: clicking them while editing your answer text ... darn - already had to typo multiple phrases again and again.
If it would have opened in a new window, you could [ctrl]+[tab] to view, type, review, type and so on...

My 2 cts
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
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With Chrome, at least, you can click on a link with the mouse wheel and it will open a new tab....
Easy peasy
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Joined: Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:47 pm
Real Name: Flo Edelmann

@GGGss: I guess you mean the forum.

Middle-clicking works in every major browser, as does holding Ctrl while clicking (at least on Windows and Linux, I don't know about Mac OS). On most laptop touchpads, a middle click can be emulated by tapping with three fingers at once.
Have a look at the Open Fixture Library! It's a project to collect fixture definitions in a unified format and make them downloadable for different lighting programs, including QLC+ 4 and QLC+ 5.
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