Scene or Sequence Values Deleted

The issues found when using the Function Manager panel
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Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2018 12:14 am
Real Name: Nick Matichuk

I have created some scenes and added them into a show (this might be an issue too: when I add the scene into a show it converts the scene to a sequence and deletes the scene). The real problem is after the sequence is created, all the values are reset to 0. I have tried everything, but in the end whenever I try to change a channel value on a sequence it will reset it to 0. QLC+ is my only option to make my show work, and at this point it is unusable. Any help?
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First, Scenes used in a Show become the bound Scene to a Sequence, and therefore are hidden from the Functions tree. They are not deleted.
Read this: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=11062
If you don't believe me, check the XML file of your project and you will see they are there, but hidden.

Second. I repeated a million times not to use existing Scenes in Shows. If you really need to, make a copy of them first.
In QLC+ 5 this thing is gonna change. The Show manager accepts Scenes (actually every Function) as they are.
My latest video on YouTube about 3D is actually one Show making large use of Scenes.

Also, you need to fully understand what a Sequence is before using it. Therefore, please check the documentation: ... nager.html ... l#Sequence
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Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2018 12:14 am
Real Name: Nick Matichuk

Thanks for that, that cleared up a lot of my confusion, but I still am not sure about some stuff. If I can't use existing scenes in shows, do you mean I should create a scene or sequence for a show in the show manager? And why am I not able to change sequence values? Maybe I'm missing something
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NickMatichuk wrote:The real problem is after the sequence is created, all the values are reset to 0
I cant confirm that. Tested it with QLC+ 4.11.2 (Windows 7) - After converting, the new Squence has exactly the same values like the Scene before!
If I can't use existing scenes in shows, do you mean I should create a scene or sequence for a show in the show manager? And why am I not able to change sequence values?
Every Sequence has a Scene as "container". The Scene saves the Data about which devices used and which channels. Everytime when you create a Sequence a hidden Scene will be created. You can check this if you load a Workspace-File in a Texteditor. The Scene that will be created when you add a Sequence will has the attribute "hidden" and will not shown in your functions window!

When you use a scene in a show, then the screne will not deleted - it gets the attribute "hidden" and gets the "container-scene" for the new sequence that created with the values from this scene, 1 step und 10 sec duration!

A scene in a show makes no sense, because a scene has no timing information (like hold-times)! When you want to create a squence from a scene in show mode and you done want, that this scene goes to "hidden", just copy the scene and create the new sequence from the copied scene! So the copied scene will be "hidden", while the original scene stays visible and usable!
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