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Joined: Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:28 pm
Real Name: carlos ferrer

Hi all!
I am a lighter based in spain, used to make his own developed tools with software like vvvv or processing and hardware based on Arduinos and raspberris :D
i love open software and hardware.
i have play a bit with QLC+ but nothing to big, next summer tour, with CIRCUS I LOVE U i will use QLC+ to control the Stage:

8 halo wash moving heads (chinese copy of MacAura)
16 Par led RGBAW 270watt
8 PAR cp62 1Kw
Hazer machine

There is and important thing i am missunderstanding, how works priority in this software, i mean if i have some fixtures with some values from a cuelist,and i want to send manuali some value to some channels of this fixtures and later clear the values to comeback to my scene? how i should do that,i am trying to understand what is the programmer of QLC+,becouse look like the simple console is the way but a bit strange for me,and i have not find a clear function.
and a second question i have modified MACaura personaliy to make my own library but the halo have two parts so i would love to have like two heads inside the fixture the bean part and the background or aura part, how i should define that in the fixture editor.

THANKS so much in advance, i am so happy to move to this Awesome open software!!
in some days we will set up the circus tent and i will add some photos!!! this summer gonna be so fun!!! :D
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C4RL0S wrote: Fri May 18, 2018 3:48 pm and a second question i have modified MACaura personaliy to make my own library but the halo have two parts so i would love to have like two heads inside the fixture the bean part and the background or aura part, how i should define that in the fixture editor.
You have to define 2 heads ... See controls - heads tab
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
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Real Name: carlos ferrer

thanks gggs!
and for the programmer, how do you normaly work??
i mean in live show.
one situation for me could be,if i have a par can in the floor,this par can is controled with some cuelist and also some effeft some time,during the show some one kick the par can and point to the audience,so i need to take it out of every escene and effect....we can say, in other software set to 0 with programmer and dont clear,or set to 0 and park it.
later someone during the show realize that the par have been kick and put more or less on place,so i can clear or unpark it .and finish the show as normal set up.
with Qlc+ how i should act in this situation??
thanks in advance.
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andres robles
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Hello c4rlos, in case you want to deactivate a specific channel of dimmer or mobile head, for an accident not foreseen with the focus, you can go to simple table and put the channels to zero of the corresponding spotlights, the simple table slider it will turn red, from that moment, no matter how many scenes from cv that contain those DMX channels, it will not move its value, when the focus is back in its place, with the X that is under each slider you release the value blocked from that channel, if you hit the X next to the page selector in the simple table, you release all the blocked channels ... a greeting
simple desk.png
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Real Name: carlos ferrer

thanks Andres!

so we can say that simple desk have priority over the hole softwhare, if i set some value there it will keep the value no mather witch info arrive to the channel?,and also happend the same with the chanel groups when i control it from simply desk channel group? so it supouse to be a good place to have all the movile inhibitor or intensity submasters?

thanks for share your experience with this software :D
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andres robles
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The simple table has its characteristics, I do not think it is a good idea to have or depend on the simple table to group submaster , everything you have preconceived to use in your show, the ideal is that you raise it in CV with your buttons and slider posts in a comfortable way for you, it can be cumbersome to go changing the tab and look for a channel on the simple table during a live show, it can serve as a resource in case of an unforeseen accident, but everything you can foresee, in my opinion, should be to accessible or in CV or some quick access key, QLC4 is a very modulable software and adaptable to unique needs, you can modify practically everything corresponding to behavior or way of dealing with the dmx flow, I recommend that you see massimo videotutorials for better understand the capabilities of this software. Greetings

La mesa simple tiene sus caracteristicas, no creo que sea buena idea tener o depender de la mesa simple para agrupar submaster ..., todo lo que tengas preconcebido para utilizar en tu show, lo ideal es que te lo plantees en CV con tus botones y slider puestos de forma comoda para ti, puede ser engorroso andar cambiando de pestaña y buscar un canal en la mesa simple durante un directo, puede servir como recurso ante un accidente no previsto, pero todo lo que puedas preveer, en mi opinion, debe estar a accesible o bien en CV o alguna tecla de acceso rapido, QLC4 es un software muy modulable y adaptable a necesidades unicas, puedes modificar practicamente todo lo correspondiente a comportamiento o forma de tratar el flujo dmx, te recomiendo que veas los videotutoriales de massimo para entender mejor las capacidades de este software, un saludo
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C4RL0S wrote: Fri May 18, 2018 3:48 pm i mean if i have some fixtures with some values from a cuelist,and i want to send manuali some value to some channels of this fixtures and later clear the values to comeback to my scene? how i should do that
You can use sliders in level mode with monitoring enabled for that. As soon as you move these sliders they will take control and behave like simple desk sliders with the possibility to deactivate the override.
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Real Name: carlos ferrer

hi !! thanks for your help, now i am eorking on the circus tent and getting more confortable with the app,but somithing i am missing is if a had a cuelist with one scene and i trow one movement effect,when i take the effect out it stop the movement but dosent come back to the initial position ,from the cue it stay where the effect was taken out,should i have another cue that replace everuthing on position??
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Dealing with dynamics/EFX is always cumbersome...
and yes if you want to end your sequence where you started it - you have to add an extra step

I personally divide the setup in:
* statics (positions, colours, gobos, ...)
* dynamics (cue-lists, things that can be triggered through VC, ...)
* EFX (EFX module, tempo, timings, colour-changers, etc etc)

What I read from your message is that you are messing up with:
* In my setup you stop an EFX and fixtures return to their initial position.
-> If you select a position and you add an EFX onto that ... (=if EFX stops it will return to position)

Your project needs a little bit more prepartionwork - but afterwards you can busk away ;-)
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
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