I am a lighter based in spain, used to make his own developed tools with software like vvvv or processing and hardware based on Arduinos and raspberris

i love open software and hardware.
i have play a bit with QLC+ but nothing to big, next summer tour, with CIRCUS I LOVE U i will use QLC+ to control the Stage:
8 halo wash moving heads (chinese copy of MacAura)
16 Par led RGBAW 270watt
8 PAR cp62 1Kw
Hazer machine
There is and important thing i am missunderstanding, how works priority in this software, i mean if i have some fixtures with some values from a cuelist,and i want to send manuali some value to some channels of this fixtures and later clear the values to comeback to my scene? how i should do that,i am trying to understand what is the programmer of QLC+,becouse look like the simple console is the way but a bit strange for me,and i have not find a clear function.
and a second question i have modified MACaura personaliy to make my own library but the halo have two parts so i would love to have like two heads inside the fixture the bean part and the background or aura part, how i should define that in the fixture editor.
THANKS so much in advance, i am so happy to move to this Awesome open software!!
in some days we will set up the circus tent and i will add some photos!!! this summer gonna be so fun!!!