Hi to everyone!first want to thanks everyone in the forum for the support and then the software developer,this is my first post here.
I m using qlc+ on mac for the moment (haven't found the proper windows 10 driver for the cheap lixada udmx controller) and i 'm trying to control 4 PC and 6 LED Par,everything fine with the setting i m able to control perfectly all of them but...
When using faders or want to change between scenes with few second of fade time, the lights are flickering,is like a kind of lag so the changes aren't smooth at all.
I try already to change the udmx frequency to 50 or 25 in the register (i try many different amounts) without success.
Did you have any suggestion? am i suppose to change the mastertime frequency of qlc+ as well? any preset configuration?
i'm using the lixada USB to DMX bought on amazon.