First of all, congratulations to Massimo Callegari and all contributors, amazingly great job. QLC+ is simply great.
Lighting is my hobby and I’m not a professional user but I was working on many lighting control software, including professional solutions from Compulite (all series of Vector) and GrandMA. I’m lucky. My brother and my best friend are professional lighting producers. This gives me an easy access to many “toys” and newest equipment.
Sometimes we test new devices and my most common comment is… This is much easier to manage it with QLC+ . You should see their face. Especially when we try to learn something new on GrandMA.

Once again, GREAT JOB!
One question/suggestion.
When we use professional lighting control console and we want to set scenes we can easily select fixture or group of fixtures and set most of channels precisely with simple 4 physical encoders.
Depending group of parameters four wheels change their functionality (pan, tilt, dimmer, etc.). This is extremely useful. Especially in case of moving heads and scanners.
I would be happy to see a widget on VC letting assign fixtures and groups of fixtures and control them through input device. All the time, the same function with the same knob/encoder. Pan would go to first knob, tilt to second, dim on first knob of respective layer, etc.
This would limit number of items required on VC and make job easier for those moving from Compulite or MAlighting to QLC+.
Following video illustrates this functionality on GrandMA
All best,
Marcin Sikorski