Fixture problems

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Real Name: Scott Warren

Hi. I am learning QLC+ to replace my hardware controller, Chauvet Obey 70.

I created a fixture definition for American DJ Starball. The first time I used this in building my lighting set, it worked. First I added my Chauvet 4Bar, then I created the fixture Starball. I opened up the saved workspace and the starball now only has one channel, not two. All the settings in my fixture definition are gone! I deleted the fixture and recreated it with all the values, etc. I used the fixture again in a workspace and it does the same thing, resetting all the channels and values to a generic blank.

Without this light, I do not want to go on learning QLC+. I really need help here. I would certainly appreciate it.

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Real Name: Jano Svitok

If pipolino's definition didn't fix your problem, please post: operating system, qxw file, and the fixture definition.

My blind guess: Did you store the fixture in the proper folder? see ... ser-folder
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I have the same problem
Im on mac and my way to the fixture is good
It is in proper folder
HELP !!!!!
i have a show tomorrow with new fixtures
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janosvitok wrote:please post: operating system, qxw file, and the fixture definition.
What part of this you're not getting..? If you want proper help, give more information.
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help us help you. Post: QLC+ version, your custom fixture definition, your qxw file, step-by-step recipe to reproduce the problem with expected behavior (e.g. do this and that, and QLC+ does this and it should do that instead).
If you need fast answers, you need to ask clear questions ;-)

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Last version of QlC+ 4.10.5b
It's "chinese fixture "beam 230" moving head (same problem even if i edit an existing fixture)
after edit when i want to add new fixtur in QL controller, i find the qxw file but with one dimer chanel
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