Sound files stop playing a little too early

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My current project is to make a soundboard and, surprisingly, I found QLC+ to be the most suitable software that allows me to create the behaviour I want, which is assigning a MIDI key of my controller to a WAV sound while being able to assign sounds to buttons easily. No other software as far as I know allows me to map sounds to on-screen and MIDI controller buttons so easily.
To achieve this, I load multiple WAV samples into the project, then create buttons on the virtual console and assign each button to a different sound, then assign these buttons to my MIDI controller pads.

The WAV samples I am using are very short; most are taken for video games (think about the coin noise of Super Mario Bros for instance).

I noticed that the WAV files stop playing a little early before the end in QLC+
Maybe for a long piece of music it is not an issue, but short samples are significantly truncated of their last milliseconds which cause a sudden cut of the sound being heard, or no sound at all for very short ones.
This happens when pressing a virtual console button bound to a sound, and by using the Play button of the selected sound file in the Functions tab too.

A workaround I found in the meantime is to concatenate some silence at the end of the WAV files directly using an audio editor.
I run the 4.10.2 software on Ubuntu 15.10 at the moment. To be sure of the source of the issue, I played each sample I tested into the default media player on the same sound output and noticed no glitches in that case.

Would you have any ideas concerning the causes of this issue?

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