Feature suggestion - smarter copy between fixtures

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Paul Evans

I find that the "copy values to all fixtures" button isn't very useful in scenes with different kinds of fixtures. It simply copies the value in channel 1 everywhere, channel 2, etc.. regardless of the differences between the fixtures.

I would like to try (unless someone else is already looking at it) implementing a smarter alternative, which would consist of the following buttons:

* Clone values to all fixtures of the same type
* Copy colour to clipboard
* Copy colour/intensity/beam controls to clipboard
* Copy all values except pan/tilt to clipboard
* Copy all values to clipboard
* Smart paste to this fixture from clipboard
* Smart paste to all fixtures of this type from clipboard
* Smart paste to all fixtures from clipboard

The idea of "smart paste" would be to consider the names of the channels, even if their positions are different. The upshot here should be that in a scene composed of a mixture of different kinds of fixture, you could copy the same colour everywhere, or whatever. The idea of "copy all except pan/tilt" is that perhaps you have a set of moving heads, and want them to all look the same, except that because of their positions, they'd need different positioning details.

How does this sound?
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