Canto open a .qxw file directly

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i have a very simple problem the soultion to which is eluding me. When I open my .qxw file directly it simply opens qlcplus. It does not show my fixtures, scenes or anything. However if I open the file from within the program everything runs fine. I would like to load it directly in kiosk mode (-k)

Info that may be relevent:
Op System: Windows 8
Fixtures: 4 ADJ led Par64's
Midi Board: akai apc40
dmx Interface: Enttec OpendDmx usb

(I looked in the documentation and forum before asking this and found nothing)
Chris Laurie

Have a look in the manual under command line parameters. You need to create a shortcut to the qlc+ executable and then pass it the required command line options. It is well documented.
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