Load workspace, error with custom fixtures

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Rico Hansen

I have made some custom fixtures for my devices and added those to the FixturesMap.xml.

When I try to load my workspace containing these fixtures I get an error saying "No fixture definition found for ...". I then have to reselect the fixtures from the list and assign the dmx address which is pretty ignoring.

I'm running with Windows 8.1, QLC+ 4.6.1
Regards Rico
workspace%20error.PNG (3.98 KiB) Viewed 626 times
Massimo Callegari

Hello to you.
This has been already discussed in this forum.
You're not meant to modify the FixtureMap yourself or save your fixtures in the QLC+ fixtures folder. Place your fixtures in the user fixture folder.
Read the Q&A section of the documentation to find where it's located.
Rico Hansen

Hi Massimo,

Thanks for quick response..
I already been reading the manual but not the Q&A in details, so I will do so :-)

And I really want to thank you for this great piece of DMX software.
Regards Rico
Rico Hansen

I have now tested this, and it's working correctly when custom fixtures are saved to the "user\QLC+\Fixtures" folder, so thanks once again.
Regards Rico
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