a proposal for sound to step functionality

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Davey Daytona

hello everyone
Now as we all know Jano has added a great step function to 4.6.1. It works great. At each beat it causes a single step in a cue list to progress. Must say bravo there.

Now, my VC is very intricate due to my situation, so i need a step function that works on the entire VC not just a cue list. I noticed that in a speed dial's properties you can select fade in, fade out, and duration (tap).

My proposal is, could a hold select be added to that to enable you to gain a step function like that in the cue list upgrade. In my thinking, its as if a speed dial could be used to trigger a hold value. It might solve the issue of being able to control all the functions in your VC as a step function like in a cue list. In essence that's what a step would be is a hold time rather than a duration time (time between). So thus you could select any number of functions in your VC to be a hold (step), fade in, fade out, or duration (tap). Does this make sense to anyone?

Let me know what you think.
Jano Svitok


I don't quite understand you. Can you give some example, reword the proposal or draw a diagram?
Davey Daytona


Sorry about the misunderstanding. I was trying propose an idea to expand on the audio trigger running a cue list. Like i said it works great. My virtual console is very sophisticated however. I have too many chases and functions to use a cue list with. Was wandering if the same concept could be applied to all or select functions like you can with a speed dial.I think the confusion is my terminology.

I noticed in a speed dial you can select speeds to adjust (fade in, fade out, duration (tap) ). If another selection could be added to that list ( I called it "Hold" before perhaps "Step" would be better), would there be a way to duplicate how you used a cue list to step through a chase. That is exactly the behavior im looking for. You hit that nail on the head.

So you would select the audio trigger to control a speed dial and select the dial to adjust "Step" at each tap input (midi, key combination, audio trigger or otherwise). Now i know that a speed dial measures the time between each tap and thus runs a buttons function according to that value. So perhaps I am wrong for even suggesting the use of this widget at all.

What i'm getting at is the ability to be able to choose buttons and function in the same manner as with a speed dial, and be able to run there functions in the same manner as with your cue list add? Now that i think about this, what if the solution lies in the audio trigger itself?

I use the kick drum from the band as my audio trigger. If I am DJin i use a send from my audio board and select it to trigger from the lowest frequencies where the kick or beat usually is. Would it be a better idea to be able to select multiple buttons like you can with a speed dial on that same frequency? So instead of selecting one button (widget, channel, ect.) per frequency, you could select multiple buttons at once on the same frequency. Every time the audio hits the set threshold, it advances those functions one step at a time the same way my old DMX board did.I had 4 banks of 12 chases each, that the audio trigger would run all at once.

Is this making any sense to you? Trying to get multiple buttons in my VC to work in the same manner as using a cue list tied to the audio trigger. I attached some pics and my VC if that helps. Let me know your thoughts.

Thanks for your time
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Jano Svitok

Now I see what you mean... I can even see how to implement it, but I don't promise anything :) My TODO list is more or less full now...
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