autostart project in xubuntu/ubuntu

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anyone know how to auto start a project in either Xubuntu or ubuntu

i am unsure what i need to put in the middle of the launcher command...

qlcplus --open %f -o "?????????test.qxw" -p
Massimo Callegari

Hello to you.

qlcplus -h says:

Usage: qlcplus [options]
-c or --closebutton Place a close button in virtual console (only when -k is specified)
-d or --debug Set debug output level (0-3, see QtMsgType)
-f or --fullscreen Start the application in fullscreen mode (method is either 'normal' or 'resize')
-h or --help Print this help
-k or --kiosk Enable kiosk mode (only virtual console in forced operate mode)
-l or --locale Force a locale for translation
-o or --open Open the specified workspace file
-p or --operate Start in operate mode
-v or --version Print version information
-w or --web Enable remote web access
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