EXPERIMENTAL loopback plugin

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Jano Svitok

Hi all,

I've committed to git new EXPERIMENTAL loopback plugin. It allows using QLC+'s DMX output line as external control input. I.e. controlling a slider by using scenes, efx, etc.

I didn't test it too much, I don't know if it crashes QLC+, so beware!

Comments are welcome!
Massimo Callegari

Hi Jano, can you please explain how to use it and the benefits ?
Too lazy to study the code yet :)
Jano Svitok

The idea is that you assign the Output end to one universe, and the Input end to another (it may work even if both ends are assigned to same universe).
The DMX output is then looped back as input that can be assigned to VC widgets.

I don't have any particular usage in mind, but I think it may enable some "hacks", like
- setting (submaster) sliders to a particular value (create scene on the loopback ouput universe, assign buttons, and assign the loopback input end as external control for submaster slider)
- fading sliders by creating scene with fade in/fade out and using that as external control
- have OSC and MIDI external control for a button via intermediate universe and loopback
Massimo Callegari

Thanks Jano
It surely has usages we cannot imagine right now...users will find out :)

However we need to document particularly well this plugin, to avoid misunderstandings, stupid questions or assumptions

I don't have the knowledge to look at the code, but I assume one use of this is as a more elegant solution to the OSC loop solution to enable smooth fading of submaster values that I was seeking in this thread:

http://sourceforge.net/p/qlcplus/discus ... /243adeb7/

It would also I assume help solve the issues of duplicating these complicated input/output settings across to the Raspberry Pi.
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