About this:
https://sourceforge.net/p/qlcplus/discu ... age=1#ea52
I've been working on this "Natural" representation of a head during an EFX.
Imagine the moving head is inside a big paper sphere, at the center.
The black path is the current representation: Pan/Tilt channels values.
The red path is where the light is supposed to appear on the sphere, viewed from the top.
- My work on this is almost ready, do you think this can be usefull, do you want me to finish it up ?
- Do you have remarks/suggestions/questions ?
- After it's done, I want to do the same kind of projection in the 2dMonitor, would you like this ?
EFXPreview: "Natural" preview
Hi David, unfortunately I am not the EFX expert, so I couldn't say if a change is better than another.
Jano did most of the work in the EFX manager, so if he reads this maybe he can give his opinion/comments.
Jano did most of the work in the EFX manager, so if he reads this maybe he can give his opinion/comments.
David, I'm following your changes (in fact, I added your github repo as remote to my local copy, so that I can fetch your changes together with Massimo's).
I even compiled your preview once, but I didn't get it yet
I have to find some time to figure out the meaning of the red graph. I will check it once more...
Finally, anything that makes it easier to understand the movement is a plus.
I even compiled your preview once, but I didn't get it yet

Finally, anything that makes it easier to understand the movement is a plus.
Okay, good to know
I won't mess with commit messages !
Well, if you have tested the current state of the feature, I'll try to explain (it's very raw as-is):
- It only shows the position for absolute efx (not relative), so if you usually create relative efxs, it does not reflect the real position at all.
- When double-clicking on the efxpreview area, options appear: for each fixture in the efx, you can select its pan-range in degrees, its tilt-range in degrees, and wether or not you want to display its "natural" path. Double-click again, options are applied.
For a relative efx, it's impossible to display the position of the head if we don't know the original values of pan/tilt before applying the efx.
I will add something to simulate this. (get the current channels values when entering the efxpreview for example)

Well, if you have tested the current state of the feature, I'll try to explain (it's very raw as-is):
- It only shows the position for absolute efx (not relative), so if you usually create relative efxs, it does not reflect the real position at all.
- When double-clicking on the efxpreview area, options appear: for each fixture in the efx, you can select its pan-range in degrees, its tilt-range in degrees, and wether or not you want to display its "natural" path. Double-click again, options are applied.
For a relative efx, it's impossible to display the position of the head if we don't know the original values of pan/tilt before applying the efx.
I will add something to simulate this. (get the current channels values when entering the efxpreview for example)