Weird behaviour in saving/loading

The issues found when using the Fixture Manager panel
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Posts: 39
Joined: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:48 am
Location: Gensingen, DE
Real Name: Peter Baumgartner

I had posted the problem in "usage questions/generic" before under "Where is LTP/HTP set?"
Yokosuna proposed to post it here (Edit: I tried that with your workspace and can confirm that something weird is going on - settings are saved by random.
I think you should post it under ISSUES and let the developers jump in ....), so:
It seems that the set values for HTP/LTP are not saved for some fixtures, especially some but not all custom fixtures. When I load the setup again, my settings are gone and most channels are set to "HTP"

My setup:
-win 7_64
-V3.10.3a win
-APC mini

QXF and zipped custom fixtures attached

On my Linux 3.10.4 GIT it seems to work!
Any idea?

Edit: No, after restarting the program and loading the previously saved qxf all Intensity channels were HTP also on 3.10.4

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please attach one consistent set of workspace and fixtures. Model names and/or modes do not match. I'm not going to fix them.
I'm willing to offer some time to look in this problem, but I'm not going to waste time guessing and fixing the fixtures.
I need a set of files that if I copy the qxf's to user fixture directory, I can open the qxw without errors.

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Real Name: Peter Baumgartner

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Hi Jano,
thanks for your response.
Attached the qxf and unaltered "Fixtures" in zip-folder which work on my computer.
I have tried several times to reproduce the loading behaviour: Saved with all channels set to LTP and reloaded. Apparently randomly in one case in the "ML 65 QCL" the color, but not the dimmer is reset to HTP, while in the "LED Mini PAR Can" the Master, but not the colors are reset to HTP. In the "Panther 60" all channels remain LTP. in another case only the dimmer channel, but no color channel is affected. For comparison I have attached "test, test1 and test2".
All custom fixtures are written the same manor with the fixture editor.
I hope I have described the problem halfway understandable. Please tell me, if you need more information, especially what could be helpful (screenshots?)
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EDIT: Sorry, qxf file was broken of unknown reason. Attached new one i tested - working, and screenshots of the fixture manager, which show the situation before and after saving and reloading. You can see, that sometimes the DIM, sometimes the colors, and sometime nothing is affected. This is what I ment with weird. I simply don't understand it. Hope, you can find something. It seems, as if the behaviour would change randomly :?
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Real Name: Peter Baumgartner

@all: After days of trial and error I have found a - slightly unconventional - way to overcome the strange changings. It seems to work, at least fornow, if I force all channels to HTP first (that may need several attempts), then save and reload the file. Check if all channels are HTP - this is crucial, because HTP will change to LTP and vice versa in the next step. Then set them to LTP and save. The next time they remain LTP.

@Jano: I am no coder, but it seems to me that this behaviour is related to the saving procedure/script or whatever is used and has nothing to do with the fixture descriptions. Should this be worth a look before the next update?

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@Peter: I was able to reproduce the problem. It seems that the problem is in the channel properties editor. If you don't change a channel, it is removed from forced channels.
Until the bug is fixed I suggest you open the qxw file in a text editor (it's an XML file) and EITHER:
- remove all lines that contain <ForcedLTP> and <ForcedHTP>
- open the file in QLC+, set all LTP/HTP as needed in one go
- save the file and then never open channel properties editor (or at least close it with "cancel")
- edit/add/remove lines that contain <ForcedLTP> and <ForcedHTP> so that thay contain desired channels (counted from 0 - 0 is channel #1, 1 is channel #2, etc.)
- do not ever use channel properties editor in QLC+

I'm not sure how do you know XML/HTML so this is short intro:
- all information is enclosed in tags <tag></tag> They can be nested, and they must be matched/paired. The file is case-sensitive.
New lines and whitespace are mostly ignored (you can add then between tags, but don't add it inside <ForceLTP>/<ForceHTP> tags.
Generally just follow the current structure.
To force channels to LTP:
- you have to do it by fixture
- look for <Fixture>...</Fixture> by it's <Manufacturer>, <Model> or <Name>
- if there is a tag <ForcedLTP>...</ForcedLTP>, add number to the list (the content is numbers separated by ',' e.g. <ForcedLTP>0,1,2,5,7</ForcedHTP>, <ForcedLTP>1</ForcedLTP>)
- if there no such tag, just add it.
- you don't have to include the channel when it is by default LTP (e.g. Effect, Shutter, etc.), but you may, just to make sure.
For HTP, the process is the same, but use <ForcedHTP>

Make sure a channel is not in both tags (forced to LTP and HTP).

If you don't understand this, ask.

MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS ON A COPY :) If you break the XML structure, you will most probably lose your work!

@Massimo, David: the problem is that ChannelSelection reads status from Universe and writes to both universe and fixture.
That way, some information is lost when you open the dialog second time.
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Real Name: Peter Baumgartner

OK Jano,
that is clear enough. Ill fix it this way and wait for the next update (5.0? ;) )

thanks for now

PS: Shall I mark it as "solved" or is that too early?
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I have had this problem for years and always thought the problem would disappear in the next version

Similar fixtures - different behavior
LTP/HTP living it own "life" - setting to either ltp or htp - not saved reliably
Fixtures that even after verified correct ltp setting would turn on but not off

This thread solved everything... removed all <forcedLTP> from my file - and now everything works as intended

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Guys, can someone please share a SIMPLE workspace (no custom fixtures) and the step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue ?
I can't reproduce it and I don't intend to waste my time chasing it.

If you want this to be resolved, please help who will resolve it.

[EDIT] nevermind. I think I have fixed the code. Please test the latest test versions
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