I have a working project with over a hundred of lights. Is an installation (show without human actors) that needs lots of chasers to work with (like for example some thunder strokes or a pair of 3x3 bulbs that needs synced animation) and if I want to make some animations I need to create a scene (or a sequence) with the animation and add it to the show BUT the show makes a copy. In an hour of show with 50 times the same animation the project became a little be messy with so much copy of the same scene/sequence.
Chasers are ok but the timing? If the customer want that scene to be half a second longer I have to change the chaser length too.
With simple works is fine but with hard one maybe is too tricky.
Possible solutions:
- Create a chaser for each sequence (if you edit the sequence/scene you need to edit the chaser too)
- Create a scene for each light, so you can create animations with chasers (but the light intensity will be stuck at the level you set it in the scene/sequence)
Possible feature:
- Make scene/sequence to be used as it, no copy on add on show
- Use fixture in chasers, so chasers will be like scenes without copy on add
I hope that I've not missed some options to do that right now.
Thanks for your time.