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in a Chase run an EFX when the previous EFX in this chase is finish

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:13 pm
by Patfrwar
Hello ;)

I am looking for the solution to the following problem:

I have 4 Moving Heads

on each Moving Heads I created an EFX for vertical movement like this: the peak beam down and it goes back up
so i have one EFX for Moving Heads 1, an other one EFX for Moving Heads two, an other one EFX for Moving Heads three .....

I wish to make a Chase with my four EFX with the following operation

the beams of the four Moving Heads points down.

the beam from the first Moving Heads goes from bottom to top (EFX 1)
once it's up I want the beam from the second Moving Heads goes from bottom to top (EFX 2)
and idem for the Moving Heads 3 (EFX3) and finally the Moving Heads 4 (EFX 4)

this is done with a chase but the question I ask myself is how we made that step 2 of the chase start when movement EFX 1 from step 1 of the chase is finish

so that if I change the duration of the EFX, the timming of steps from Chase also changes

I hope you understand my request

thank you

Re: in a Chase run an EFX when the previous EFX in this chase is finish

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:13 pm
by siegmund
I really don't know if I got you right.
Patfrwar wrote: this is done with a chase but the question I ask myself is how we made that step 2 of the chase start when movement EFX 1 from step 1 of the chase is finish

so that if I change the duration of the EFX, the timming of steps from Chase also changes
This sounds like two speed dial widgets - one for EFX, one for the chaser?

In general, starting a new chaser as a last step in another chaser could be done with the help of scripts and loopback.

[EDIT] because this doesn't seem to be a bug report at all, I suggest to move this to Usage questions -> Generic

Re: in a Chase run an EFX when the previous EFX in this chase is finish

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 12:08 pm
by Patfrwar

Just to say that the Problem is the same if we will make a chase made from some other chase.
If we use fixed time it's possible but if we wan't to change speed in the VC with "speed dial" widget, it's seem to be not possible.

If i change the speed of the step in the child chase, the total duration time will change . And this new duration will be ignored in the step of the master chase.

if some one have a solution ?
