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How to select RGB animation in VC widget

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:06 pm
by yokosuna
Hi, I want to know who I can select the animation type without using the mouse ?but with a slider ?
Well, I can add a preset for every animation but that cost a lot of buttons on the side wing.
Is there a way to "scroll" through the dropdown listbox with an external input ?
Same goes for the color selection.

Thank you

Re: How to select RGB animation in VC widget

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 8:28 am
by OddSocks
What you could do is create a number of RGBmatrix pre-sets in the functions tab and add them to a chaser with infinite duration. Add the chaser to a cue list widget on the VC and in the side fader property of the list set it to steps and link it to your external controller.

The colours are more of a problem are you after a number of pre-sets? If not you can already attach the RGBs separate values to external sliders through the animation widget.