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Something About the Forum

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:37 am
by Tasaei

don't know if i'm the only one thinking about this , but i'lll just share it.

In my opinion the topic "technical" support gets to big.
I have huge respect to every developer who reads the posts , answers and changes things
but i think this way it slowly gets a kind of chaos because some topics are within 2-3 day on page 2 and i think (yes i don't know but i have the feeling) that some posts are forgotten .

Thats not a accusation, i can't read all things neither and just pick the few first.

But what about splitting the Technical support up in:
Ideas/ New Things
Issues with using/Asking for help

And maybe than having every closed Topic put to an archiv so you get a kind of list (like the issue list on github) which can be worked on by everybody (mainly by developers, but the Issues/asking for example can be helped by everybody.)
Maybe its possible set uniformly keywords to every topic (not in progress/in progress/ solved) or something.

If its just the thing with the extra work of closing every Topic and giving it the right name, then we should find 3-4 People just doing this. I would like to help .

I think that would help , that no post is forgotten , the structure gets more clearly and some people getting no help because there Title sounds like its a bug although its a question about using QLC+ now getting helped because everybody knows its a question about qlc.

Maybe someones sharing my idea.

LG Tasaei