Banana Pi port

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:56 pm
Real Name: Davy Van Belle

Hi you all,

I'm new to this forum, so let me introduce myself first.
My name is Davy, graduated as electronics engineer.
Currently working as Android Wear developer.
Always busy testing/building new electronic stuff as hobby.
Interested in everything PA, stage lighting, stage special effects related.
Linux fan.

Now the real thing why I registered on this forum.
I have being testing QLC+ for couple weeks now and I must say, impressive tool.
I'm currently trying to make a standalone QLC+ lighting rig that fits in an 19" rack.
I was planning to use a Raspberry Pi as platform, but that would be to easy.
So I'm going to try and port QLC+ onto a Banana Pi.
I saw a post here on the forum that its not possible to use the Raspberry Pi image,
but it would be possible to compile the source and run it on a Linux distro.
Again this would be to easy. (after this post is written, this is the first step I will do to port QLC+)
As with the RPI image I want to create an BPI image without Xorg and any other "useless" packages that comes with a Linux distro.

So my question, could you provide me some tips, a starting point, a workflow how to do this?
What problems did you ran into when the RPI image was created?
Any help is welcome and would be appreciated.

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