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Import/Export functions

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:57 am
by hlujan

Is there any simple way how to import/export functions? I looked into .qxw file, and find, there are functions written, however I am not IT specialist and I am afraid of simple copying, because I don't know, what is included in some function.

Will it be possible to make some Import/export plugin, where named functions could be moved from one workspace to another. Surely there must be same fixtures or remapping is necessary.

I think it could be very helpful.

Thank you so much.


Re: Import/Export functions

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:37 pm
by mcallegari
Hi, at the moment it is not possible.
Copying pieces of the XML file manually can cause issues, so it is not suggested.

This functionality will be implemented in QLC+ 5