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Q Light Controller Plus Output not working on Mac

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:10 pm
by Speakermaniac16
I am new to this forum and just recently got Q Light controller Plus for my Macbook Pro. I have been spending quite a bit of time trying to get something to work on this program. I have a uDMX dongle type connection and I have it connected. It says the DMX frame frequency is 30hz and system timer accuracy which is rated at good. I figure this means everything should be working. The dmx signal light on my mini led mover is blinking indicating that signal is being sent. However I cannot seem to get the mover to do anything. I don't know why, but hoping I can get some help from some experienced users here. Is there a way to just have a preset type of thing go through the system like a controller just to see if everything is functioning correctly. I have been using tutorials and none are helping. Please help!

Re: Q Light Controller Plus Output not working on Mac

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:35 am
by Speakermaniac16
I just came across something, so it appears that when I go to my input output list and click my uDMX option and ask it to rescan the hardware and then recheck the check box, then go to simple desk I can control the mover, but for some reason its only for a limited time and then it just stops working and I can't control it anymore. What could this be. Hope this gives insight on the problem. I don't think its my USB-DMX dongle because obviously it sending signal as it works, it may be a lc program bug maybe. any help would be great.

Re: Q Light Controller Plus Output not working on Mac

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:53 pm
by thomas.e
I also have a uDMX-USB-Controller on a Mac and see a similar problem while using a single LED-PAR.
After about 30 sec the light of the PAR remains on one color. The Virtual Console is still active and shows the changing colors, but the LED-PAR is "frozen" to the one color. Close QLC+ and restart it makes the lights responsive again, but only for another 30 sec.
If I had another controller (not a uDMX one) I could do some tests...
Maybe it is an interaction problem between QLC+ and the controller, but of course it also may any kind of Mac or OS-Version specific problem with the USB dongle.
Sorry, no solution at this moment, but you're not alone...
