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QLC+ 4.10.3 release

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:06 pm
by mcallegari
Here's the third maintenance release of the QLC+ 4.10 family. It brings a massive amount of fixes and improvements, thanks mostly to David Garyga, and 48 new fixtures thanks to the awesome work of Robert Box and to all the users who submitted them for review.
Many fixes also on HTP/LTP cases, on the ArtNet and OSC plugins and on crashes using audio input.
There's been also some under the hood changes, to improve the architecture and solve some licensing issues. One example is that this version delivers a brand new version of the integrated web server. This new implementation allows to have multiple websockets running, as well as HTML pages delivery. We took the chance to add a preliminary web DMX keypad, thanks to Santiago.
I know, some of you expected to have a UI keypad first, but at this point I believe it is a QLC+ 5 matter.
Regarding that, I hope to be able to provide an update about the development status quite soon.

  • Engine: Fix intensity channels forced back to HTP after LTP not working correctly (David Garyga)
  • Engine: Fix functions with low intensity killing current fade outs (David Garyga)
  • Audio Capture: Fix crash when selecting another audio input while a capture is running (David Garyga)
  • Audio Capture: Fix crash when trying to use a wrongly configured audio input (David Garyga)
  • Scene Editor: Remember Channels Groups values when saving and loading a workspace (David Garyga)
  • Scene Editor: Remember fixtures even with no activated channel (David Garyga)
  • RGBMatrix Editor: Fix preview now working when fade in > 0 (David Garyga)
  • RGBMatrix Editor: Fix length of fadeout on the preview (David Garyga)
  • Show Manager: Fix crash when editing the total time of an empty chaser (David Garyga)
  • Show Manager/Function Selection: Fix sequences always displayed even with Chasers and Scenes both filtered out (David Garyga)
  • Speed Dials: Fix display and input of the milliseconds field, update precision from 10ms to 1ms (David Garyga)
  • Input/Output Manager: Forbid deleting universes in the middle of the list, this prevents a lot of bugs and crashes (David Garyga)
  • Simple Desk: the number of faders is now dynamic depending on the window size (unless forced via config file)
  • Plugins/ArtNet: Fix input and output initialization conflict that results in no input (David Garyga)
  • Plugins/ArtNet: Allow sending and receiving ArtNet on several different interfaces (David Garyga)
  • Plugins/ArtNet: Allow selecting a different ArtNet input universe (David Garyga)
  • Plugins/ArtNet: Fix configuration issue that prevents setting a parameter back to its default value (David Garyga)
  • Plugins/OSC: Fix configuration issue that prevents setting a parameter back to its default value (David Garyga)
  • Plugins/OSC: OSC Output values range from 0.0 to 1.0
  • Plugins/OSC: Properly handle OSC bundles (restores Lemur compatibility)
  • Virtual Console: Fix copy of a frame containing a submaster slider resulting in a broken submaster (David Garyga)
  • Virtual Console/Slider: Enable function filters in playback function selection (David Garyga)
  • Virtual Console/Slider: Allow to force to LTP color channels controlled by a Click & Go button
  • Virtual Console/Solo Frame: Fix sliders in playback mode not actually stopping the attached function when the slider reaches 0 (David Garyga, thanks to Tubby)
  • Virtual Console/Animation: Can now be used in solo frames (David Garyga)
  • Virtual Console/Frames: fix page cloning of a nested multipage frame
  • Virtual Console/Frames: fix disabling frame pages. Now widgets get actually deleted
  • Web access: fixed custom fixtures loading
  • Web access: added a DMX keypad that can be accessed from the Simple Desk (thanks to Santiago Benejam Torres)
  • Input profiles: added Behringer BCR2000 (thanks to Michael Trojacher)
  • Input profiles: added Lemur iPad Studio Combo
  • RGB Scripts: added Strobe script (thanks to Rob Nieuwenhuizen)
  • New fixtures: Stellar Labs ECO LED PAR56, Chauvet Colorpalette II (thanks to Jimmy Traylor)
  • New fixtures: Chauvet: COLORado 1 Solo, Ovation FD-165WW, Rogue RH1 Hybrid, COLORdash Par Hex 12, COLORdash Accent Quad (thanks to Robert Box)
  • New fixtures: Chauvet: Vue 1.1, Intimidator Spot 100 IRC, Abyss USB, COREpar 40 USB, COREpar UV USB (thanks to Robert Box)
  • New fixtures: Chauvet: Intimidator Scan 305 IRC, Intimidator Barrel 305 IRC, SlimPAR T6 USB, SlimBANK TRI-18 (thanks to Robert Box)
  • New fixtures: Eurolite LED CLS-9 QCL RGBW 9x8W 12, JB-Lighting A12 Tunable White, SGM G-Profile (thanks to Robert Box)
  • New fixtures: Coemar Par Lite LED RGB, OXO LED Funstrip DMX, American DJ Stinger II (thanks to Robert Box)
  • New fixture: Chauvet LED PAR 64 Tri-C (thanks to Jungle Jim and Robert Box)
  • New fixtures: American DJ VBar, American DJ Jellydome, Briteq LDP Powerbar 6TC/12TC (thanks to Thierry Rodolfo)
  • New fixture: Sagitter Slimpar 18 RGB (thanks to Daniele Fogale)
  • New fixture: Microh LED Tri Bar (thanks to Michael Tughan)
  • New fixture: American DJ 12P Hex Pearl (thanks to Ethan Moses)
  • New fixture: JB-Lighting JBLED A7 (thanks to BLACKsun)
  • New fixture: Chauvet COREpar 80 USB (thanks to Chris Gill)
  • New fixture: Stairville DJ Lase 25+25-G MK-II (thanks to galaris)
  • New fixtures: PR Lighting XR 230 Spot, PR Lighting XLED 1037 (thanks to Ovidijus Cepukas)
  • New fixtures: Futurelight DJ-Scan 600, Eurolite LED PAR-64 RGBW+UV (thanks to Ovidijus Cepukas)
  • New fixtures: Varytec LED Pad 7 BA-D, American DJ X-Scan LED Plus, Showtec Blade Runner (thanks to DjProWings)
  • New fixture: Involight LED CC60S (thanks to Stephane Hofman)
  • New fixture: Stairville MH-x200 Pro Spot (thanks to Mirek Škop)
  • New fixtures: Varytec LED Giga Bar 4 MKII, Eurolite LED KLS Laser Bar FX Light Set (thanks to Daniel Schauder)
  • New fixture: Chauvet Mayhem (thanks to Jonathan Wilson)
  • New fixture: Ayra TDC Agaricus (thanks to Rob Nieuwenhuizen)
  • New fixture: American DJ Pinspot LED Quad DMX (thanks to Christian Polzer)
  • New fixture: Stairville AF-180 LED Fogger Co2 FX (thanks to Johannes Uhl)

Re: QLC+ 4.10.3 release

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:06 pm
by pipolino419
Well done
Good work

Thank U very much