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2nd screen (vidéo out) blackout

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 5:35 pm
by willmodelisme
When I play show with video trough a screen 2 output (goes to video projector), the windows goes OFF at the end of the video (or when I stop it).
When you start another show the transition is visible.
I find a workaround by setting my screen 2 with black background but I still need to test if there is no visible transition between shows.

HEre is a short video that explain better than words:
At teh very end, you'll see the video windows closing from full screen and a very rapid flash on the top taht correspond to the header of the window that is closing.
That is very visible on a 5 x 4 meter image projected on a wall. ...

I can hardly use QLC for live with multiple show that include video.

Is there a way to keep that video window open, with no image (blackout) waiting for the following show to be played ?

Re: 2nd screen (vidéo out) blackout

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:15 pm
by jadaudiodesign
hi willmodelisme,

im not sure i understand all you prob...
but i had same kind of prob 2 years ago... and i finally decided to use a hardware solution

with a dmx shutter like

dont know i it helps...


Re: 2nd screen (vidéo out) blackout

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:55 am
by willmodelisme
You have understand exactly because your solution make sense.
Thanks for help.

Meantime, what makes the "flash" on the external screen when the full screen video windows close and open is the white header of the window, where it's written '"Q Light Controller +".
That white part makes a flash ( quickly but enough to be noticed by audience) at the opening/closing during live performance.

A solution would be to set that header to black.
I have stared tweaking the qcplusStlyle.qss flle and I am reading the Qt Style Sheet page to find out what to change.
I anyone clever than I am knows where to start He'll be helpful :D