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Simple Desk; fixture channel view mode and a touchscreen

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:14 am
by Daoka

I like QLC+ very much and started playing around with it.
I'm using a touchscreen (Elotouch) to control the software and it works very awesome and enhanced my light controlling very much.

But there is one little problem, when I use the simple deck in the fixture channels view mode the DMX page buttons are disabled, this is useful when you use a mouse with a scroll wheel where you want to scroll for maybe half a page but when controlling it with a touchscreen, its nearly impossible to scroll with that scroll bar. Is it possible to change the behavior of the page buttons instead of disabling them so that they are scroll buttons or jump to the next not completely shown device (I know from an UI-Designers perspective that behavior is bad and not consistent but I currently do not have any better Idea how to solve that problem)?

Thanks in advance