[SOLVED] Switch pages with the BCF2000 preset buttons

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Hey guys,

I thought there already has been a thread covering this but I'm not able to find it.

When using frames in the vc it is possible to remotely go through them. Because of the fact that the BCF2000 has 32 presets it seems likely to use the buttons for switching the presets on the controller for changing the page, too.
The problem is, that the switching-presets-buttons don't send any MIDI data by default. It's possible to assign some to them, but then the functionality for going through the presets is lost.
Is there a way to assign both, MIDI data and switching preset functionality to these buttons? Maybe it's also possible to only send MIDI data with them and tell the controller through QLC+ to change the preset?

I'm sure some of you got such a controller and maybe somebody has already figured out how to do this - any hints are appreciated!
Thanks a lot!
Last edited by siegmund on Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I have one BCF, and I use pages.
Since the preset button work the way you described, I chose the two buttons just below the preset buttons as my page down/page up buttons.
I don't need to switch presets and in fact if I switch presets, BCF will stop to work with QLC+. I know I need to stay at preset 1.

This solution means that the preset buttons and the edit buttons are not used.

But: sometime ago I found out, that if you switch BCF to Mackie Control mode (Mc on the display) all buttons send MIDI.
So to make use of this:
- switch BCF to Mackie Control mode (check manual, you have to press one of the buttons while powering the device)
- select the other profile in input/output tab (Behringer-BCF2000inMackieControlMode.qxi)
- you'll have to remap all VC widgets since the two profiles are no compatible

Does this help you?
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Hi janosvitok,

thank you for your reply!

I'm a bit sad to hear that - I thought I could use 16 presets if I want to..
Mackie control mode maps all the buttons to some MIDI data. I already achieved that with some editing software for the controller (have a look at BC Manager - it's great!). But just as said, in this case I'm loosing the ability to switch the preset on the controller.

I already found out that I have to send some sysex-Data:
00 20 32 00 14 22 00 switches to preset 1
This is for bcf - change last 00 to 01 to get preset 2. Etc
found on http://forum.cockos.com/showpost.php?p= ... stcount=17
Is it possible to send sysex data with QLC+?
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Why do you need 16 presets? What do you use them for?
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janosvitok wrote:Why do you need 16 presets? What do you use them for?
Of course I don't need 16 - but only one is a bit too less for my applications. I'm just doing some lighting at live shows. I'm used to have 48 sliders on a scene setter or similar so 8 would be a bit tiny to me :D
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You don't need 16 presets - see: http://www.qlcplus.org/docs/tutorial-multipage.html

In short: you use only one preset (either the default one or the mackie mode, or whatever fits).

- create frame widget in VC
- in the page tab enable pages, add as many pages as needed
- mark two BCF buttons as page down/page up buttons
- put buttons/sliders/other widgets on the pages.
- that's it

For an example see my workspace https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janos ... -lamac.qxw
As I've said, switch pages with the two buttons just below preset +/- buttons.
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janosvitok wrote:You don't need 16 presets - see: http://www.qlcplus.org/docs/tutorial-multipage.html

In short: you use only one preset (either the default one or the mackie mode, or whatever fits).

- create frame widget in VC
- in the page tab enable pages, add as many pages as needed
- mark two BCF buttons as page down/page up buttons
- put buttons/sliders/other widgets on the pages.
- that's it

For an example see my workspace https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janos ... -lamac.qxw
As I've said, switch pages with the two buttons just below preset +/- buttons.
I feel very ashamed now. Never realized that QLC+ internally differentiates between sliders on different pages. So this works like a charm now..
The only thing I've noticed, is that this is only working if the faders are assigned to different MIDI channels on the BCF. If only the MIDI param is differs between the faders, I was lost in some sort of feedback loop and not able to control the faders without some damage to the device.
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Real Name: Jano Svitok

Post your qxw file here, I'll try to find the problem.
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janosvitok wrote:Post your qxw file here, I'll try to find the problem.
I'm not able to reproduce that at the moment. Maybe this was related to the issue with same fixture and MIDI universes, too.

Thank you for all of your help! :)
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