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AKAI APCmini in Linux vs. Windows

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:42 pm
by bssmusic
I bought an APCmini last week and tried to connect it to my laptop running QLC+ V 4.10.3
With Ableton it works - of course - as expected, but qlc+ seems not to initialise it correctly. In the Input/Output configuration the profile is set, and also input and feedback channel is set. The plugin config shows MIDI channel 1-16, Program Change and APC mini Ableton mode 2. Idf I try to change anything in this window, the status jumps from "öffnen" to "Nicht geöffnet" and closing the window, I get an alertbox (in German) "Ein Fehler trat beim Öffnen des Geräts auf. Dies kann entweder an einer fehlerhaften Systemkonfiguration oder einem nicht unterstützten Ein/Ausgabemodus liegen."
I have read the article about MIDI implementation in the HowTo's, but foung nothing really flashing me. I vaguely remember to have read something about a necessary Registry entry, but found nothing to change, the only entry about QLC is in the firewall section. Is there anybody experienced with MIDI and especially APC?
On Linux (suse leap) it works "out of the box" except the colors yellow and red are missing on the buttons (only off and green).

[SOLVED]: AKAI APCmini in Linux vs. Windows

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:12 pm
by bssmusic
MPC mini mit QLC+4.10.3
MPC mini mit QLC+4.10.3
I finally worked it out:
It is sufficient to have the startup script like mentioned in the manual in the program folder for getting it running on Windoze. The little red joystick appears, when moving sliders or buttons. To get the colorful lights, it is essential to patch the APC buttons to buttons on the virtual console (in running mode!). then it is possible to send custom feedback (0,2,4,8,10,255).
Et voila