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Shows with sounds

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 5:25 am
by conradcliff
Kinda hitting a wall here and it might be something simple that I'm missing.
I have a simple show setup with an mp3 and some scenes that play at specific times.
I can load that show in the web interface but it doesn't know where the mp3 is.
I can manually locate the mp3 with the rpi connected to a tv with mouse and keyboard but I wont have this when I'm out of the house.
The documentation says that it isn't recommended to make shows on the rpi but I'm not exactly sure how else to do it and still have it point to my mp3.

EDIT: Just made a sample show on the rpi with an mp3 this is in a USB drive and saved it to a USB drive then copied it from the USB drive to my pc and put the USB drive back into the rpi. when I open the show on my PC from the web interface it still can't find the mp3.

Any suggestions?

Re: Shows with sounds

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:36 am
by serenss
Click on the audio track and check the directory information. I've noticed the location info for Audio Files inexplicably duplicates for some reason, e.g. "/Users/Dan/" becomes "/Users/Dan/Users/Dan."

Re: Shows with sounds

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 2:18 am
by conradcliff
Thanks for the reply, that isn't the case with mine.
In checking it just now, instead of being in the /media/USB folder it thinks the file is in /root
Not sure why it thinks it's in there or how to change this behavior :-/

Re: Shows with sounds

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 2:35 am
by conradcliff
Anyone got any clue on this?

Re: Shows with sounds

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:14 pm
by mcallegari
I would do:
1- create the project on a computer with any audio paths you like
2- load the project to the RPi via web interface
3- load the audio files into the Pi either via SSH or on a USB pendrive
4- go to the Pi with mouse and keyboard
5- fix the audio files paths locally (from within QLC+)
6- save the project on the RPi
7- from this moment on, you have to stick to the project in the RPi

The reason is simple: Windows/OSX paths are not compatible with Linux paths.

Another way is, once you finish editing your project on your computer, save it and open it with a text editor.
Find and replace the audio files path with the ones the project will find in the RPi.
Windows: C:\audio\file.mp3 ---> /mnt/usbdisk1/file.mp3
OSX: /Users/myuser/music/file.mp3 ---> /mnt/usbdisk1/file.mp3
After this you can transfer the project on your RPi.

Re: Shows with sounds

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:14 pm
by conradcliff
mcallegari wrote:I would do:
1- create the project on a computer with any audio paths you like
2- load the project to the RPi via web interface
3- load the audio files into the Pi either via SSH or on a USB pendrive
4- go to the Pi with mouse and keyboard
5- fix the audio files paths locally (from within QLC+)
6- save the project on the RPi
7- from this moment on, you have to stick to the project in the RPi

The reason is simple: Windows/OSX paths are not compatible with Linux paths.

Another way is, once you finish editing your project on your computer, save it and open it with a text editor.
Find and replace the audio files path with the ones the project will find in the RPi.
Windows: C:\audio\file.mp3 ---> /mnt/usbdisk1/file.mp3
OSX: /Users/myuser/music/file.mp3 ---> /mnt/usbdisk1/file.mp3
After this you can transfer the project on your RPi.

Thanks for the reply, I tried this also and it still loses track of the mp3. Just wont maintain the file path. seems like a bug. I've also found the same behavior in the windows version where I open a show back up and it doesn't know where the mp3 is located even though the location hasn't changed. I need to go in and browse to the mp3 everytime.
I'll try again tonight.

Re: Shows with sounds

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:47 pm
by mcallegari
That's definitely weird, especially on Windows.
Do you normally place the audio files in the same folder where the QLC+ project is or somewhere else ?

All my tests on Linux show no issue. Maybe there's something related to relative paths.
If you tell me which paths you use in Windows (project file and audio files) I can double check the code to see if there's something wrong

Re: Shows with sounds

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:47 pm
by conradcliff
mcallegari wrote:That's definitely weird, especially on Windows.
Do you normally place the audio files in the same folder where the QLC+ project is or somewhere else ?

All my tests on Linux show no issue. Maybe there's something related to relative paths.
If you tell me which paths you use in Windows (project file and audio files) I can double check the code to see if there's something wrong
Ok, awesome, thanks! I'll remake a show tonight with the file in the same path and see what happens and let you know.

Thanks again!